Contracts are a common tool used throughout our lives to create legal relationships between parties to define what actions people will take. If you have entered a contract with another party, you are obligated to abide by the terms and conditions of the contract. Any...Read More
Company directors have a legal obligation to avoid conflicts of interest. Identifying and managing potential conflicts are essential steps for all company directors. When a conflict exists, a company director should seek professional advice from an experienced legal...Read More
A company may be deregistered either voluntarily, liquidated or struck off the register of companies by the Australian Securities Investments Commission (ASIC). ASIC may deregister a company if the company has ceased trading or has overdue fees and penalties. If your...Read More
If you have been asked to accept a position as a director of a company in which you have little or no involvement, think again. All too often spouses are appointed as a co-director of their partner’s company without understanding their full responsibilities as a...Read More
A guarantee is a binding promise of one person (the guarantor), to be answerable for the debt or obligation of another (the debtor), if that other defaults. Guarantees become enforceable by the person to whom the guarantee has been given (the creditor) when debtors...Read More